Retinal arterial macroaneurysm during hypertension and hypercholesterolemia: About a case at the CHU-IOTA


G Saye, A Napo, AI Guindo, M Coulibaly, A Simaga, M Sissoko, SM Diarra

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Arterial macroaneurysms are acquired ecstasies of the wall of a retinal arteriole, most often dependent on the superior temporal arch. We have carried out a description of the clinical appearance and management of a retinal arterial macro-aneurysm; A cardiovascular and diabetic check-up in collaboration with internists; The ophthalmological explorations focused on: Fluorescein angiography, Ocular ultrasound mode B, OCT. There was a subretinal hematoma on the path of the superior temporal artery surrounded by dry exudates, macular atrophy in the right eye. Fasting blood glucose at 10.90 mmol/l (1.96 g/l), total cholesterol 238.50 mg/dl (TN<200), arteriosclerosis index of 6.64 (TN<3.3), triglycerides 304.20 mg/l (TN<150). After 5 years of follow-up, visual acuity rose to 4/10 in the right eye with healing of the lesion, but the assessment remained slightly disturbed. Cardiovascular pathologies are the main causes of retinal arterial macroaneurysms. Macular involvement is responsible for AVB, which can be permanent in the absence of adequate and early treatment.

Mot-clés :

Arterial Macro, Aneurysm, Encysted Hematoma, Ectasia.

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Volume 8 (2024)
Numéro 3
DOI 10.70065/24JA83.004L023107