Darier Ferrand's dermato fibrosarcoma of the breast: About a case and literature review


BS Ramdane, ME M'balla, AB Hamine, SA Mogueya, AM Driss

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Darier Ferrand's dermato fibrosarcoma protruding is the most common tumor of cutaneous sarcomas, recognized by its high potential for aggressiveness and local recurrences after surgery of up to 40%. The location of the DFS on the breast has been described as extremely rare. Histologically consisting of bundles of spindle cells arranged in a storiform pattern, but due to the immunoreactivity of CD34 in DFSP, its presentation can be confused with other malignancies or even benign lesions. The objective of this observation is to describe the anamnestic, clinical, histological, therapeutic and evolutionary aspects of a DFS located on the infero-outer quadrant of the left breast in a 38-year-old patient compared to the data in the literature. Our patient had consulted for a skin mass located on the infero-external quadrant of the left breast, with irregular surface, with multiple protruding and exophytic nodular lesions evolving for several years, without ulcerations, pain and no axillary lymphadenopathy. We find in his history a notion of chest trauma. Wide and deep surgical excision with a margin of 5cm in healthy skin was done and histopathological examination of the operative specimen confirmed the diagnosis of DFS. Adjuvant radiotherapy 60Gray at a rate of 2Gray per fraction 5 days per week was administered. This reputedly rare location overlaps in several aspects (anamnestic, clinical, epidemiological, evolutionary and therapeutic) with data from the literature.

Mot-clés :

Dermatofibrosrcoma, Darier And Ferrand, Cutaneous Sarcomas, Recurrence

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Volume 8 (2024)
Numéro 3
DOI 10.70065/24JA83.011L011007