A Traoré, F Camara, S Bangoura, S Fangahara, A Tolno, MLT Camara, S Camara, AK Baldé, F Diakité, OR Diallo, ML Kaba
Objective: To study the epidemiological, clinical and therapeutic aspects of edematous maculopathy at CADES/O. Material and Methods: This was a descriptive cross-sectional study lasting six (6) months from April 1, 2021 to September 30, 2021 All patients with oedematous maculopathy without distinction and who had undergone at least one angiogram and/or optical coherence tomography (OCT) were included in our study. Results: During our study we received 4988 patients, of whom 180 or 3.6% had edematous maculopathies. The age group from 60 to 69 years old (30.5%) was the most represented. The mean age was 55.9± 14.2 years (20 and 89 years). Females (55%) were predominant with a sex ratio of 0.8. The majority of our patients were housewives (35.5%). 83% of our patients came from rural areas. More than half of our patients were married, a frequency of 74.4%. Hypertension was the leading cause of ATCD (67.7%) followed by age-related macular degeneration (66.6%) and diabetes (32.2%). The main reason for consultation was blurred vision (88.3%). OCT found non-cystoid macular edema and cystoid macular edema. According to the ALFEDIAM classification, OM was mainly mixed (45%), diffuse (36.1%) and focal (18.8%). 92.2% of our patients received anti-VEGF-based treatment, the evolution was favorable. Conclusion: OM is due to a loss of retinal homeostasis leading to an imbalance between fluid inputs and outputs and to altered retinal hydraulic conductivity. During our study, the prevalence of edematous maculopathies was low. Older women have been the most affected. The cost of managing edematous maculopathy should be reviewed within the reach of low-income patients to allow for adequate management.
Oedematous Maculopathy, Epidemiology, Clinical, Therapeutic